Fill in the code in the “Enter your code” promotion box on the shopping cart page. To confirm the code click on the “Apply Coupon” button. We will directly apply the offer to your shopping cart.
Please remember that the coupons are not valid with other offers and only valid for one code per single order, no stacking or combining of coupon codes will be permitted. All offers are available for a limited time only and are subject to availability. Keep in mind that during a promotion a code is used, the sales are final and items are not eligible for returns, exchanges or refunds. We are happy to help you to apply your code or if you have any problems using one, message us at Customer Service Contact here.
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Pure Line offers the below payment methods: Major Credit Cards Paypal PayDirekt Other payment methods (check, cash or bank transfer) are not accepted.
We accept payments by Visa credit card, MasterCard, PayDirekt and Paypal. If your card payment meets this criteria, remember to: Make sure that your delivery and billing addresses are complete and correct Check if you have selected your type of card Doule-check that all the bank details have been correctly entered Remember to confirm the clause “I have read and agree to the website terms and conditions” To find out more about what payment methods are available to you,
please inquire with your bank.
Unfortunately it is notpossible to pay on delivery. We have multiple approved payment methods that are available to proceed your order. We are happy to help you to make your purchase orif you have any problems at Customer Care Click here.
Your bank details are encrypted and are never known or stored by Pure Line. Payments made on the website are processed securely through the payment partners.